- Our plans went badly adrift. 我们的计划严重受挫。
- Our plans had gone badly adrift. 我们的计划已严重受挫。
- Our plans went awry. 我们的计划出岔子了。
- All our plan went wrong. 我们的计划全部失败了。
- Our picnic plan went wrong because of the rain. 由于下雨,我们的野餐计划失败了。
- Our holiday plans went phut when the cost of living rose again. 生活费用又涨了,我们的度假计划成了泡影。
- something has gone awry in our plans; something went badly amiss in the preparations. 有些重要的事情已经偏离了我们的计划;有些事情已经完全超出了我们的准备。
- Our plans seem to have gone adrift somewhere. 我们的计划有些地方似乎与主题脱节了。
- The rain made hay of our plans to go walking in the hills. 下雨打乱了我们去山间漫步的计划。
- Our plans to go swimming went down the drain when it rained. 天一下雨,我们去游泳的计划就全落空了。
- He was hostile to any change in our plan. 他反对我们计划中的任何改变。
- His illness put a crimp in our plans. 他的生病妨碍了我们的计画。
- The bad weather interfered with our plans. 恶劣的天气妨碍了我们的计画。
- The election went badly for the Conservatives. 选举结果对保守党不利.
- Our plan didn't work in with theirs very well. 我们的计划和他们的计划配合得不太好。
- He regarded our plans with suspicion. 他对我们的计画有怀疑。
- Our plans for the trip are all set. 我们旅行的准备工作都做好了。
- She cried when she saw all her plans go down the tubes. 看到她一切的计划全都失败了,她哭了。
- Whether he will come (or not), we will go on with our plan. 不管他来不来,我们仍按原计划进行。
- He entered into our plans withterrific zest. 他满腔热情地参加了我们的项目。